SMC model
This page contains downloads and information associated with the paper: Corrias A & Buist ML. A quantitative model of gastric smooth muscle cellular activation. Ann Biomed Eng, 35(9):1595–1607, September 2007.
This mathematical model defines a physiologically realistic quantitative description of smooth muscle cellular electrophysiology. We provide further data here in support of the above publication, primarily based on a CellML encoding of the model written by Alberto Corrias. We provide:
- A CellML file including simulation and graphing metadata;
- A C++ implementation as a zip or tar.gz archive. The archives also contain a CodeBlocks project file for easy compilation of the code.
- A Matlab implementation available as a zip or tar.gz archive. These archives contain an init.m and a compute.m file generated by COR;
These files can be used to reproduce the results published in the paper. The following figures were generated using the CellMLSimulator software to generate the graphical outputs. These models reproduce the numerical experiments presented in Figure 4 and 5 of the Corrias & Buist (2007) article.